AXI, the loveliest bus!

  • Basic concepts of AXI bus?
  1. Separate address/control and data phases.
  2. Supports unaligned data transfers.
  3. Supports out-of-order data transfers.
  4. Permits address to be issued ahead of actual data transfer.
  5. VALID and READY provide two way handshake.

  • How are different portions of AXI bus used?

AXI Bus defines a burst-based transaction and has 5 transaction channels. There are total 5 channels:

  1. Read address.
  2. Read data.
  3. Write address.
  4. Write data.
  5. Write response.

All the Channels have their own control signals and VALID and READY signals for handshake mechanism.

  •  How can AXI bus improve performance?
  1. Split transactions has parallelism (no blocking)
  2. Supports multiple outstanding transactions.
  3. Supports issuing of address ahead of actual data transfer.
  4. Supports out-of-order completion of transactions.

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